CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, March 22, 2019

CSFA Legislative Representative Leon Collins has news of bills that are moving forward this session including the “PTSD Bill”. Also, some good news about fire-service-related bills that are essentially dead.

CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, March 15, 2019

This week, CSFA Legislative Representative Leon Collins has news on proposed legislation that would legalize mobile gasoline re-fueling. Also, read the latest on the “PTSD Bill” in this week’s Legislative Update and House Bill Status Report.

CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, March 8, 2019

CSFA Legislative Representative Leon Collins reports the latest on Regional Fire Schools from the new commissioner of the Department of Administrative Services in this week’s Legislative Update and House Bill Status Report. Also, read how you can submit testimony both for and against bills that CSFA has been tracking.

Connecticut State Firefighter’s Association Memorial Foundation – New Website

The Connecticut State Firefighter’s Association Memorial Foundation has a new website at ctffm.net.

Please visit their new site, and find our about the Memorial, the
Annual Ceremony honoring Line of Duty Deaths, why the Memorial needs your assistance for its preservation, and how you can help.

2019 State Firefighters Convention and Parade – Huntington

The 2019 Connecticut State’s Firefighters Association Convention and Parade will be held September 13, 14, and 15, 2019, is hosted by Huntington Fire Co. 3 (Shelton).

Below are the Schedule of Events, Hotel Registration Information, and The 2019 Convention Parade Registration.

For more information, visit the Huntington Co. 3 website at http://huntingtonfireco3.com/.

CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, March 1, 2019

There is lots of news from CSFA’s Legislative Representative Leon Collins in his weekly update today. Learn the latest on bills that we are tracking for the Fire Service and read about upcoming meetings at the LOB. Also, find out how you can help by submitting written testimony to legislators for our most important proposed legislation.

CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, February 22, 2019

This week’s CSFA Legislative Update has news of the Governor’s Budget that was released this past week. Also, get the updated House Bill Status Report and find out how you can help a bill that proposes to put smoke detectors in Connecticut homes.

CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, February 15, 2019

This week’s update has lots of news on the public hearings that were held this past week. Also, read in Leon’s update how you can help the Fire Service by submitting testimony to legislators.

CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, February 8, 2019

This week several public hearings have been announced for proposed bills that are either directly or indirectly related to the Fire Service. If you are interested in testifying at any of the public hearing this week, please contact CSFA Legislative Representative Leon Collins as soon as possible. If you submit testimony for any Fire Service-related bills, please let him know. The Update below and Bill Status Report contain a list of committees and their bills with scheduled public hearings of interest to the Fire Service next week.

Download both to read the full Update and the Bills list.

CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, February 1, 2019

More than twenty new bills directly or indirectly related to the Fire Service were proposed this past week and are now being tracked in our House Bill Status Report. For those who are following weekly, this week’s new related bills begin with H.B. 6516 from the House and with S.B. 699 from the Senate. There continue to be new bills introduced on a wide variety of issues and I encourage everyone to take some time to review the entire list of related proposed bills that now number about 100.

We are pleased to continue to see proposals related to our top priorities: funding for the construction and operation of our Regional Fire Schools, funding for our cancer legislation, and legislation related to Post Traumatic Stress for first responders.

One public hearing on a Fire Service related bill is scheduled in front of the Joint Committee on Public Health for next week.

We still do not have a meeting date for our next Fire/EMS Caucus, however, the caucus co-chairs report that they are attempting to schedule the next meeting so that representatives from the Department of Administrative Services, the Office of Policy Management and the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection can attend and discuss issues related to our Regional Fire Schools.

While we await the announcement of the Fire/EMS Caucus meeting, I continue to urge our membership to invite their respective legislators to join the caucus. If your representative or senator has attended caucus meetings in the past, please thank them and let them know we need their continued support. If your legislator is newly elected, please let him or her know that best way to help the Fire Service is to join the caucus.

The complete Legislative Update and the CSFA House Bill Status Report are attached below.