CSFA Legislative Update – 6/1/2021
It has been said that the days dwindle down to a precious few. Last week was a 4 day week because of the holiday and the coming week will be a 4 day week also. When the CGA goes back to work on Tuesday there will only be 9 days left to the regular session, and that is if they work over the last weekend. They usually do.
Activity this past week which is on my listing are as follows:
Monday 5/24 H.B. #6600 was passed in the House and is on the Senate calendar.
Tuesday 5/25 S.B. #1083 Passed in the House and should be heading to the Governor.
Wednesday 5/26 H.B. #5412 & H.B. #6666 were passed in the House and are on the Senate calendar.
S.B. #123 & S.B. #660 were passed in the Senate and are on the House calendar.
Thursday 5/27 H.B. #6646 was passed in the House but does not show on the Senate calendar yet.
Friday 5/28 No sessions on this day.
If any questions you may email to the address on the bottom of the listing.
Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association
Email thschroll@snet.net