CSFA Legislative Update – 2/16/21

Activity is starting to ramp up and the weeks are shorter.  Last Friday was Lincoln’s birthday, a state holiday, and Monday was President’s Day, also a state holiday.  Two 4 day weeks in a row.

The Governor’s budget proposal was published this past Wednesday.  That has everyone buzzing.  Not much money.  I have not had a chance to look through it, but I have been told that the items I normally look for (Reg Fire Schools, CSFA disability fund, State & County radio maintenance accounts) are flat funded from last year.  I will follow up for next week.

As I mentioned last week, Public Safety had a public hearing this past Thursday.  I submitted testimony supporting S.B. #123, H.B. #5412, #5722 and #6034 (Just Cause)  We opposed H.B. #6046 (Fireworks)  Again, Just Cause for Fire Chiefs was on the public hearing.  We supported the issue and a few Fire Chiefs also supported it with written testimony.  We have been assured that many more will be supporting this initiative.  To give you an idea of what we are up against, there were only two groups that opposed this bill.  They are CCM and COST.  Together they represent 158 of 159 towns in CT.  

I will be sending a separate email with all the members of the Public Safety committee.  It is hoped that many of you will note who your local Representative or Senator is and make contact with them asking for their support.

Activity this next week is:


2/18  Higher Education #5666

2/18  Labor #141, #665 & 666

2/19  P & D #6420 & #6422

2/19  Transportation #409

If anyone has heard of anything that I may have missed please contact me at the email.  Also, if there are any questions, do not hesitate to email.

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association
Email  thschroll@snet.net

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