CSFA Legislative Update – 4/26/2021

The 2021 CGA session continues to move forward albeit slowly.  The Capitol Complex continues to be closed to normal usage.  Meetings are still held via a ZOOM format.  That in itself slows the process.  Per the rules, committee votes that are by a roll call requires that the individual legislators must be seen as well as heard when casting their votes.  The system does not always coordinate both actions which require many repeat responses.

Only the House met in session this past week, and only one item was on their agenda.  That was the religious exemption immunization bill that was 17 hours in length.

Also this past week, 2 bills were JF’d out of committee.  H.B. #6439 is the budget bill and S.B. #887 is the Bonding bill.  Within H.B. #6439, the Regional Fire Schools (RFS) Operating budgets, State & County radio maintenance funds, the CSFA disability fund and the Firefighters Fund (cancer) items were flat funded the same as last year.  H.B. #5666, the training funding for distressed municipalities was funded to the $70,000.00 level in the budget bill.  S.B. #887, the bonding bill, did not provide for any new monies for the Capital Improvement Project for the RFS.

Next week the House is scheduled to meet on Monday and the Senate is scheduled to meet on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Bills added to their respective calendars this week were H.B. #5653, #6646, #6666 & S.B. #1083.

Ted Schroll, Jr.
Legislative Representative
Email  thschroll@snet.net

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