CSFA Legislative Update – 5/5/2021

The Covid 19 pandemic continues to make it’s effect on the 2021 session.  Normally, at this time, most of us are spending almost every week day at the Capitol or LOB.  The Capitol complex continues to remain closed to the public.  This past week the House met on Monday and the Senate met on Tues & Wed.  And they continue to purposely not meet on the same day in any week.  If anyone watches the sessions on CT-N or You Tube you have noted that during a session day, some legislators are in their chambers, some are in their offices in the LOB, and some use a link from their home.

On Monday’s House session, they PASSED H.B. #6422 and that bill is now on the Senate calendar.  They referred H.B. #5666, H.B. #6595, & H.B. #6626 to the Appropriations committee.  They also referred H.B. #5722 to the Finance committee.

On Tuesday’s Senate session, they took up only one bill which was the bill that deals with the religious exemption for immunizations.  They spent 10 hours on that one bill and went home.  On Wednesday’s session, they did not pass anything that was of interest to the F.D.s.  However, they did refer S.B. #1, S.B. #121, S.B. #660, & S.B. #1002 to the Appropriations committee.  They referred S.B. #119 to the Finance committee, and they referred S.B. #845 to the Judiciary committee.

Tomorrow (Monday) all three of these committees will be meeting and all of these bills are on the agendas of each respective committee.  The House is scheduled to meet on Tuesday and Thursday of next week,  When the Senate adjourned last week they told their members to expect to meet Wed, Thur, & possibly Fri of the week.  However they are not on the schedule yet.

Email if there are any questions.

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association
Email  thschroll@snet.net

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