Small Town Fire Chief Roundtable & Training II – March 10, 2018
135th Annual Connecticut State Firefighters Association Convention: Avon, September 14- 16, 2018
The Avon Volunteer Fire Department is honored to be hosting the 135th Annual Ct. State Firefighters Association Convention & Parade September 14- 16, 2018. The festivities are in conjunction with their 75th Anniversary celebration.
Schedule of Events:
Friday, September 14:
11:30 am: Executive Luncheon, George’s Restaurant, 9 School Street, Unionville
6:00 pm: Irregulars Meeting, Avon Fire Department Company 1, 25 Darling Drive (RSVP to Steve McMahon –
6:00 pm -10:00 pm: Carnival & Food Truck Festival, M H Rhodes Facility, 99 Thompson Road (Ride special: purchase wristbands for $25.00 & ride all night for 1 low price)
Saturday, September 15:
7:00 am: Vendor & Convention set up, Avon High School, 510 West Avon Road
9:00 am: Registration Convention Meeting, Avon High , 510 West Avon Road
10:30 am: Convention Meeting Starts, Avon Fire Dept. Company 1 25 Darling Drive (Presidents Reception following the Convention Meeting)
11:00 am-10:00 pm: Carnival & Food Truck Festival, M.H. Rhodes Facility, 99 Thompson Road
9:30 pm: Fireworks
Sunday, September 16:
8:00 am: Parade Check in, Avon High School, 510 West Avon Road
12:00 pm: Parade Step off
1:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Carnival & Food Truck Festival
5:00 pm: Trophy Presentation
For full details, and registration information, please click here to download the complete registration packet.
CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, January 12, 2018
The feedback that I have received from members of the Fire Service is that the first two meeting of the Fire EMS Caucus have gone very well. For those who could not attend and have not yet viewed the proceedings, the meetings are available to see on the following links:
1st Fire EMS Caucus Meeting on December 19th, 2017 –
2nd Fire EMS Caucus meeting on January 9th, 2018 –
The next Caucus meeting is scheduled for February 6, 2018
Follow this link for more from Legislative Representative Leon Collins: CSFA Legislative Update 01-12-2018
CSFA DAS 2018 Legislative Proposals – 01-08-18, CSFA DESPP_2018_Legislative Proposals – 01-08-18
Fire EMS Caucus Meeting – 2-6-2018
Please spread the word and save the date for the next Fire EMS Caucus meeting on Tuesday, February 6th, 2018, at the Legislative Office Building, Room 1E, at 10 a.m.
CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, January 5, 2018
A reminder to everyone from CSFA that the next meeting of the Fire EMS Caucus is scheduled to be held on Tuesday January 9th, 2018 at the Legislative Office Building in Room 1E at 10AM. More details from the caucus meeting last month are in the attached legislative update from Leon Collins, CSFA Legislative Representative.
Leon Collins
Legislative Representative
The Connecticut State Firefighters Association
49 Midwood Road
Branford, CT 06405
(203) 494-7842 voice and text
(203) 481-1446 fax email website
CSFA Online 2018
CSFA Legislative Update 01-05-18
FIRE-EMS Causus 12-19-2017 Meeting minutes
CSFA Annual Legislative Committee Mtg List of Issues for 2018
Fire EMS Caucus Meeting 1-9-2018
January 9, 2018 – Meeting of the Fire EMS Caucus
Legislative Office Building, Room 1E, Hartford, CT
Tuesday, January 9, 2018, 10:00 a.m.
Fire EMS Caucus Meeting 12-19-2017
December 19, 2017 – First meeting of the Fire EMS Caucus
Legislative Office Building, Hartford, CT
Join Us for the 134th Connecticut State Firefighters Association Convention in Taftville, Sept. 15th-17th
Taftville Fire Department Celebrates 100 Years of Fire Service, Sept.15-17th
We hope to see you at our 134th Annual Connecticut State Firefighters Association Convention this year!
We are proud to celebrate our annual convention in conjunction with the celebration of 100 years of Fire Service by the Taftville Fire Department.
Taftville Hosts CSFA 2017 Convention
We welcome family and friends of the Fire Service to joins in the celebration as our parade returns to our convention festivities. We expect fire departments from across the state to join us in eastern Connecticut September 15th-17th, 2017. For more information and details, please visit the Tafville Fire Department 2017 Convention webpage.
To Register for the Parade at the CSFA 2017 Convention
To register for the parade (Parade registrations due August 15th) go
to the Taftville Fire Department website:
For Hotel Information for the 2017 CSFA Convention in Taftville, CT
Hotel Information here:
Special Attraction at CSFA 2017 Convention in Taftville: 9/11 Mobile Memorial
In 2013, the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation created a mobile exhibit as a tribute to all those whose lives were sacrificed on September 11, 2001. The 9/11 NEVER FORGET Mobile Exhibit is a tool to educate America’s youth about the historic events of that day. Welcomed around the country, from communities in Phoenix, Arizona to Tampa, Florida, the 9/11 NEVER FORGET Mobile Exhibit – a high-tech, 53-foot tractor- trailer, which unfolds into a 1,000 square foot exhibit, serves as a poignant reminder of that tragic day.
CSFA Online 2017
CSFA Legislative Update from Leon Collins, July 11, 2017
I have included below links to the most recent revised budget proposals from the House GOP just released today.
House GOP 4th Revised Budget
In short, the Regional Fire School operating budgets continue to be included in the proposal at the levels previously proposed by the House GOP representatives.
Most Recent Budget Proposal from Governor
The most recent proposed budget by Governor Malloy on May 15th is in the link below. As previously discussed, the governor’s budget eliminated funding for the Regional Fire Schools and also made additional cuts affecting the Fire Service.
We are still waiting for the House Democrats to release their revised budget and that may happen as early as Tuesday July 18th. We have heard that funding for the Regional Fire School will be included in the next proposal from the House Dems, but we have not yet seen that budget.
We will send out the House Dems’ budget as soon as we have access to it.
Governor Malloy Signs “Apparatus Bill” into Law
We should also report that Governor Malloy signed the “Apparatus Bill” (H.B. 7047) today. You can download and print a pdf file of the new law on the following link: Public Act 17-175
There is still no news on possible funding for “Cancer Bill” that was passed last year.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Leon Collins
Legislative Representative
The Connecticut State Firefighters Association
49 Midwood Road
Branford, CT 06405
(203) 494-7842 voice and text
(203) 481-1446 fax email website
CSFA Online 2017
Save the Date: Oct. 2nd, 2017, Benefit for the CT Fallen Firefighter Memorial
Benefit for the Connecticut Fallen Firefighter Memorial
Please see the letter below from our president and learn how you can help to support our upcoming dinner at the Aqua Turf in Southington to benefit our Fallen Firefighter Memorial:
WHAT: Dinner to benefit the Fallen Firefighter Memorial
WHEN: October 2nd, 2017 – Event begins at 5:30pm
WHERE: The Aqua Turf in Southington, CT
You can download the letter from our president and fundraiser reservation and donation form.
Pleas spread the word and thanks for your suppport.
CSFA Online 2017