CSFA Legislative Update – 4/5/2021

After last week, activity is starting to slow down.  If you remember last week’s information showed many bills being JF’d out of committee.  Some are starting to come out of the legal office (LCO) after being written.  From there they go onto the calendars of their respective chambers.  Bills placed on the calendar this week were H.B. #6316, #6449, #6450, S.B. #141, & #931.

Bills JF’d from committees to LCO were H.B. #6646 & #6666.  

Last week at least 3 of the committees that were working bills that I was following closed for new bills.  By the end of this upcoming week, 6 more committees will be closing.  After that only Appropriations and Finance will be working on their agenda items.  Since they will be setting the legislative budget, they are always the last two committees to close.  They close on 4/22 & 4/23.  

You may also note that I have deleted many items on the listing.  For anyone that may print the list, this week the form is 21 pages long, but there is only info on 18 pages.  (Save your paper)  Anything that did not have a public hearing was deleted.  Also, some that had public hearings but had passed their JF day were also deleted.  Some with public hearings only, but are from the Approps or Finance I have left in.  Never say Never.

Please email if any questions.

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association
Email  thschroll@snet.net

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