Thirteenth Annual Hall of Fame Nominations are open

Applications are now being accepted for the Thirteenth Annual Connecticut State Firefights Association Hall of Fame Dinner. The application deadline is November 1, 2020. Click the link below to download the application packet.

CSFA Legislative Update from Ted Schroll, Jr., March 24, 2020


In my last report over the weekend I mentioned that I would try to keep you all informed of CGA activity.  I received the attached message overnight last night from the lobbyist association.  It looks like the entire State Capitol complex will be closed until at least April 13th.  I will let you know if anything changes.

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association

—- Forwarded Message —–

From: Zachary McKeown <>

Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020, 07:07:28 PM EDT

Subject: Update – Extending LOB and State Capitol Complex Closure until April 13

Good Evening ACL Members,

In order to continue to limit COVID 19 exposure, legislative leaders will extend the LOB and State Capitol Complex closure until April 13 and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.


ACL Board

CSFA Legislative Update from Ted Schroll, Jr., March 22, 2020


Nothing new to report this week.  The Capitol complex is still closed.  If I didn’t mention this last week, a legislator said that they could be closed for up to 8 weeks.  However, I am sending the bill matrix along as information. 

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association

Twelfth Annual Hall of Fame Dinner – November 12, 2020

The Connecticut State Firefighters Association
Twelfth Annual
Hall of Fame Dinner

Thursday, November 12, 2020
6-7 Open Bar     7pm Dinner

Aqua Turf
Mulberry Street, Southington

Cost is $40 per person

Due to Corona Virus the CSFA Hall of Fame dinner @ the Aqua Turf has been postponed until Thursday, November 12th @6pm.  Please hold on to your tickets as they will be honored on that date.  Ticket & program ad sales are being halted immediately and will resume on September 15th.

To purchase tickets contact the following:
Bill Davin (203) 650-4432 or
Bill Halstead (203) 948-7129 or

The Class of 2020 Inductees

Sanford Anderson, Norwalk (deceased)
William Davin, Monroe
John B. Field, Jr., Torrington
Joseph Iacuone, Derby (deceased)
Charles C. Judd, Jr., Watertown (deceased)
William F. Kelly, Jr., West Haven
Mark D. Lewandowski, Berlin
Peter Mullen, Branford (deceased)
Edward N. Richards, Enfield
James Trzaski, Beacon Falls

Click the link below to download the 2020 CSFA Hall of Fame Flyer and view sponsorship opportunities.

CSFA Legislative Update from Ted Schroll, Jr., March 15, 2020


The latest I can pass along.  I’m sure you all are following the news of the Int’l pandemic.  It had been decided to close the Capitol/LOB buildings on Thursday and Friday for a deep clean, to reopen on Monday.  Because of that, the CGA in session on last Wednesday changed their rules to:
1. Postpone all public hearings with the hope of re-scheduling,
2. All committee JF deadlines were to be extended by three business days,
3. Legislators were to be able to vote by phone in committees next week if they felt uncomfortable to attend the Capitol,
4. Everything else in the building to run as usual.

That’s what we knew at close on Wed.  Then later that day Gov. Lamont announced his emergency declaration.  I think that pretty much allows him to govern as he feels that is needed as emergency activity for the safety of the public.  On Thursday A.M. we received a message that the entire Capitol/LOB campus would be closed until 3/30/2020.  At this time all the activities that I mentioned last week to be held on Thursday and Friday did not occur.  I don’t know what, if any, of the above mentioned rules still apply.

Long story short.  As of this time on Sunday, I do not know when the CGA will be back in business.  As most know, this is the second year of the biennial budget cycle, so there is a budget in place if the CGA decides.  And, another factor, the CGA, by statute, must close this session on May 6th.  They could however meet in a special session during the summer.

Activity this week included:
SB #454 & SB #469 were new bills added to the list.
SB #231 was JFS’d out of committee (S means substitute language and it appears that “police officer” was added to the definition of an eligible individual)
SB #324 was JFS’d out of committee (S language appears to be some minor grammatical changes)
HB #5451, HB # 5453 and SB #427, SB #429, & SB #430 had public hearings.

There was a discussion on the floor Wednesday at end of session about pending legislation.  It was stated that if a bill has not had a public hearing, that it was probably dead.  It will remain to be seen if they hold to that.  I will try to keep you informed as I get any further information.  You can email me to the address at the bottom of the bill matrix or this message.  If anyone feels that I may have missed anything, please do not hesitate to email me.

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association

CSFA Legislative Update from Ted Schroll, Jr., March 8, 2020


The General Assembly continues to move forward.  As stated last week, lots of public hearings.  Also, many more this coming week.  Pres. Carew was up for a couple days this week for support.  We had some discussions with Rep. Rochelle.  I had a short meet with Rep. Miller.  I attempted to do some leg work to make amendments to the highway funds bill.  As proposed, the language imposes some restrictions on a small number of fire companies.  Can’t pick favorites; they have to take us all.  There was also a House and Senate session as mentioned last week.

Thursday was a busy day for public hearings for us in the Public Safety, Labor, and Higher Education Committees.  That’s a new committee for me this year.  The fire service is getting high tech.  Fortunately for me, President Carew had the initial contact and he has been following an initiative that may take some extensive research.  We are hoping to get most of that done for us.  While Pres. Carew was testifying in Hi Education on S.B. #302, I was testifying in Public Safety.  We had 9 bills in which we had an interest in.  We supported 6; H.B. #5285, 5286, 5312, 5318, 5319, 5321, & S.B. #265.  Chief Provencher from North Thompsonville was up to testify on H.B. #5319 with his local legislator, so that was a help.  On H.B. #5312 we testified in support as long as the new language did not conflict with our previous efforts on a lemon law for fire apparatus which we passed in 1999.  We opposed S.B. #266 (Body Armor) as it was written as it would require all fire apparatus and EMS vehicles to carry body armor sufficient to equip all “riders” that would normally be in the vehicle.  We also opposed S.B. #270, also as it was written, which would require a vehicle with a blue light at a construction work zone.  We suggested that the commonly used red/blue combination currently used by law enforcement be proposed and leave the blue light for the volunteer firefighters.

Scheduled activities this coming week include:
Public Hearings
3/9 — H.B. #5288
3/10 — H.B. #5451, 5453, S,B, #427, 429, & 430
3/11 — S.B. #4143/12    H.B. #5445
3/13 — S.B. #8

The attached bill matrix should be up to date as of Monday A.M. 3/9.  If any questions, do not hesitate to email back.  And if you feel that I missed something, let me know.

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association

CSFA Legislative Update from Ted Schroll, Jr., March 1, 2020


Last week was a bit busy with several public hearings as noted by last weeks message.  This next week appears to be about the same.  Many of the original concepts are coming out of committee and all are in a hurry to move the bills.  There was also a session in both the House & Senate on Wednesday.  The only bill activity was that H.B. #5138 was JF’d out of committee at a meeting on Friday.  That was the bill that provided for a study of the “obstacles to merging or consolidating municipal fire districts and fire departments.”  It now goes to the floor for any further action.
There are many public hearings scheduled for next week.  As of 3/2, they are listed as follows:

3/2 H.B. #5301 in Planning & Development:

3/3 H.B. #5387 and S.B. #349 in the Labor committee;  

3/4 There are no public hearings scheduled, however the House and Senate are tentatively scheduled to be in session;  

3/5 H.B. #5285, 5286, 5312, 5317, 5318, 5319, 5321, 5322, S.B. #262, 263, 265, 266, 269, and 270 in the Public Safety committee;  H.B. #5382 in Labor;  S.B. #302 in Higher Education; and S.B. #324 in Insurance; 

3/6 H.B. #5182 & S.B. #247 in Public Health;  S.B. #297 & S.B. #300 in Environment.

As you can see, Thursday will be a long busy day in Public Safety.  PLEASE look over the information provided in my bill matrix to see if any of the bills are of interest to you.  If you have an interest in any, let me know if you wish to have testimony submitted.  I expect to submit some on some bills.  As you can see, several are STUDY bills.  If passed, the General Assembly will put together a committee to study the noted issue over the summer and provide a report to the subject committee before the next session for possible action.

Please contact me via email if and questions.

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association

CSFA Legislative Update from Ted Schroll, Jr., February 23, 2020


The 2020 regular session continues to move forward.  The issues that were just concepts the last couple weeks have started to be published as real bills.  If you have not noticed, there is a date on my bill matrix at the bottom of each separate bill after the assigned committee.  That is the date that each bill get published.  Hopefully it makes it easier to note the new items instead of having to find where the previous weeks bills end and the new ones start.  By the end of the week many committees are scheduling public hearings for the bills.

Also this past week there was a pubic hearing in the Planning & Development Committee on Friday, 2/21 that included H.B. #5138, the bill that would require OPM to do a study of the Obstacles to Merging or Consolidating Fire Districts and Fire Departments.  There as only one person that testified and that was not to the substance of the bill, but asking to be included in any group if and/or when that would be impaneled.

I met with Sen. Leone who is on the Bonding Sub-Committee regarding additional bond funding for the Reg. Fire Schools.  I also met with Rep. Miller, House Co-Chair of the Bonding Sub-Committee, on the same subject.  Rep. Betty Boukus held this position before Rep. Miller.  Our discussion led me to find that I did not realize just how much Rep. Boukus accomplished for us on her own without our intervention.  Rep. Miller is aware of the Valley Chiefs school rebuild and led me to believe, has had some discussions with the local legislator. 

PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR BILLS FOR THE UPCOMING WEEK ARE AS FOLLOWS:2/24  S.B. #151;  2/25  S.B. #231;  2/26  S.B. #146;  2/27  H.B. #5204 & S.B. 189;  2/ 28  H.B. #5192 & H.B. #5198 and S.B. #152.  (See subjects on the bill matrix)

If anyone wishes to submit any written testimony you can contact me or check the CGA website for instructions.  Testimony may be submitted by email directly to the committee or if wishing to testify in person you will have to bring copies of your testimony with you.  Each committee determines the number needed, some up to 50.OF NOTE:  S.B. #231, which will have a public hearing on Tuesday 2/25 is the bill that would expand PTSD workers’ comp coverage to additional personnel. 
COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED FOR THE UPCOMING WEEK ON ANY LISTED BILLS:2/24  PUBLIC HEALTH;  2/27 APPROPRIATIONS  (this meeting is a public meeting workshop with the DESPP agency on their budget.  The meeting is open to the public but it is not for public activity with anyone of the committee or the agency personnel) ;  2/28  PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT to JF bills out of committee.

The House and Senate are scheduled to be in session on Wednesday 2/26.  At this early time-frame it is possible that any activities scheduled for that day may be moved.  It has been mentioned that there will not be any large “items” on the session schedule.  As most know, the one big item that the Governor has been pushing, has had a setback again.

If any person that receives this report and normally follows legislative issues, knows of any items that I have not listed, please contact me to let me know of any item of interest.

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association

CSFA Legislative Update from Ted Schroll, Jr., February 16, 2020


The 2020 session continues on a somewhat stutter-step schedule.  The session opened on 2/5 and conducted business thru 2/7.  This past week the State was closed on Wed for Washington’s birthday.  Then the upcoming week starts as a Monday holiday for President’s Day.  In fairness the committees have been working to move rapidly within the short session.  Committees are meeting to move lots of concepts forward.  Unfortunately, concepts only have titles with not much additional information of what they are to accomplish.  I believe that within the next week many of these concepts will surface as bills and there will be a concerted effort to provide public hearings.

Because of the number of concepts, I am going to list the ones that could be fire service related.  As they become bills I will change their status on my bill matrix.  The listed bills with numbers are actual bills already.

Activity last week included meetings of the Planning & Development (P&D), Public Health (P/H), Environment (ENV), and Appropriations (APPROPS) which included the budget for DESPP, including the Reg Fire Trng Schools and the CSFA Disability Accounts.  Included in the Dept of Administrative Services (DAS) budget is the Firefighters Cancer Fund.

Activity scheduled for the upcoming week include committee meetings for Public Safety (P/S – No advanced agenda), Labor (LAB – additional concepts), and ENV.

****NOTICE****  On Friday 2/21 there will be a public hearing for H.B. #5138  (See Bill matrix)

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association

CSFA Legislative Update from Ted Schroll, Jr., February 9, 2020

The 2020 session has started.  This is the short year, beginning the first week of February and ending the first week of May.  The process is the same.  They just squeeze 5 months of work into 3 months.  I attended opening day which usually contains little committee activity.  Both the House and Senate convened at 10 A.M., set some rules for the session and recessed to await the Governor’s budget message at 12 noon.  Depending on your opinion, there was little included to advance the fire service.  Most budgeted items were funded to the same levels as last year.  I believe Jeff Morrissette has already published most of that information.  Bills to address the Governor’s proposals were published on Thursday (attached).

Both the Environment and Public Health committees met on Thursday.  They both passed agendas that have many CONCEPTS at this time.  Environment had one concept that concerned AFFF.  The Public Health (P/H) agenda contained concepts concerning PFAS and “Mental Health First Aid Training for EMS personnel.”  Again, these are concepts with specific language now to be drafted.

Coming up next week:

  • Planning & Development (P & D) will be meeting on Monday to raise concepts.  On their agenda is a concept entitled “Requiring a Study to the Obstacles to Merging or Consolidating Municipal Fire Districts and Fire Departments”.  I will try to find out what I can about it’s origin.  DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THIS IS COMING FROM WITHIN THE FIRE SERVICE? 
  • Public Safety will be having a Forum on Tuesday relating entirely to various gambling, betting, and lottery items.  NO Fire Service items.
  • Appropriations (Approps) begins their budget public hearings this week with the State Agencies.  The DESPP will have their agency hearing on Friday 2/14 between 3 P.M. and 3:30 P.M.  Then the public hearing for the public to speak will start at 5 P.M.  If anyone has an interest in any other agency hearings, you can look at the Bulletin portion on the CGA  website or contact me by email and I will get the information for you.

At this time there are no other agendas published for the last half of the week.  If there are any questions on the information provided, you can contact me back at the email address at the bottom of this message.

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association