CSFA Legislative Update from Ted Schroll, Jr., February 16, 2020


The 2020 session continues on a somewhat stutter-step schedule.  The session opened on 2/5 and conducted business thru 2/7.  This past week the State was closed on Wed for Washington’s birthday.  Then the upcoming week starts as a Monday holiday for President’s Day.  In fairness the committees have been working to move rapidly within the short session.  Committees are meeting to move lots of concepts forward.  Unfortunately, concepts only have titles with not much additional information of what they are to accomplish.  I believe that within the next week many of these concepts will surface as bills and there will be a concerted effort to provide public hearings.

Because of the number of concepts, I am going to list the ones that could be fire service related.  As they become bills I will change their status on my bill matrix.  The listed bills with numbers are actual bills already.

Activity last week included meetings of the Planning & Development (P&D), Public Health (P/H), Environment (ENV), and Appropriations (APPROPS) which included the budget for DESPP, including the Reg Fire Trng Schools and the CSFA Disability Accounts.  Included in the Dept of Administrative Services (DAS) budget is the Firefighters Cancer Fund.

Activity scheduled for the upcoming week include committee meetings for Public Safety (P/S – No advanced agenda), Labor (LAB – additional concepts), and ENV.

****NOTICE****  On Friday 2/21 there will be a public hearing for H.B. #5138  (See Bill matrix)

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association

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