CSFA Legislative Update from Ted Schroll, Jr., February 23, 2020


The 2020 regular session continues to move forward.  The issues that were just concepts the last couple weeks have started to be published as real bills.  If you have not noticed, there is a date on my bill matrix at the bottom of each separate bill after the assigned committee.  That is the date that each bill get published.  Hopefully it makes it easier to note the new items instead of having to find where the previous weeks bills end and the new ones start.  By the end of the week many committees are scheduling public hearings for the bills.

Also this past week there was a pubic hearing in the Planning & Development Committee on Friday, 2/21 that included H.B. #5138, the bill that would require OPM to do a study of the Obstacles to Merging or Consolidating Fire Districts and Fire Departments.  There as only one person that testified and that was not to the substance of the bill, but asking to be included in any group if and/or when that would be impaneled.

I met with Sen. Leone who is on the Bonding Sub-Committee regarding additional bond funding for the Reg. Fire Schools.  I also met with Rep. Miller, House Co-Chair of the Bonding Sub-Committee, on the same subject.  Rep. Betty Boukus held this position before Rep. Miller.  Our discussion led me to find that I did not realize just how much Rep. Boukus accomplished for us on her own without our intervention.  Rep. Miller is aware of the Valley Chiefs school rebuild and led me to believe, has had some discussions with the local legislator. 

PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR BILLS FOR THE UPCOMING WEEK ARE AS FOLLOWS:2/24  S.B. #151;  2/25  S.B. #231;  2/26  S.B. #146;  2/27  H.B. #5204 & S.B. 189;  2/ 28  H.B. #5192 & H.B. #5198 and S.B. #152.  (See subjects on the bill matrix)

If anyone wishes to submit any written testimony you can contact me or check the CGA website for instructions.  Testimony may be submitted by email directly to the committee or if wishing to testify in person you will have to bring copies of your testimony with you.  Each committee determines the number needed, some up to 50.OF NOTE:  S.B. #231, which will have a public hearing on Tuesday 2/25 is the bill that would expand PTSD workers’ comp coverage to additional personnel. 
COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED FOR THE UPCOMING WEEK ON ANY LISTED BILLS:2/24  PUBLIC HEALTH;  2/27 APPROPRIATIONS  (this meeting is a public meeting workshop with the DESPP agency on their budget.  The meeting is open to the public but it is not for public activity with anyone of the committee or the agency personnel) ;  2/28  PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT to JF bills out of committee.

The House and Senate are scheduled to be in session on Wednesday 2/26.  At this early time-frame it is possible that any activities scheduled for that day may be moved.  It has been mentioned that there will not be any large “items” on the session schedule.  As most know, the one big item that the Governor has been pushing, has had a setback again.

If any person that receives this report and normally follows legislative issues, knows of any items that I have not listed, please contact me to let me know of any item of interest.

Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association

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