CSFA Announces 2016 Hall of Fame Nominees and Annual Dinner on April 7, 2016

CT Firefighters prep for CSFA Hall of Fame Dinner 2016

It’s time to buy your tickets and make plans to celebrate the best of the Bravest – the Connecticut State Firefighters Association has announced CT Firefighter Pipe Band 042815

the list of Nominees to be honored at the 2016 CSFA Hall of Fame Dinner.  Firefighters and many others statewide are once again working together to organize and present the Connecticut State Firefighters Association Eighth Annual Hall of Fame Dinner. So much has been going on behind the scenes as the event date draws near:

Thursday, April 7th, 2016.

CSFA invites members friends and families to celebrate and honor the achievement, dedication and commitment of members present and past.


The Class of 2016 Inductees

Fred Dudek, Jr., Killingworth

Laurence Ford, Redding (Deceased)

James E. Kiley, Newingtown (Deceased)

Ronald L. Littell, Sr., Tolland

Kevin R. McKeon, West Shore (West Haven)

Jon Menti, Stony Hill

Jeffrey Morrissette, Wethersfield (Fire Admin)

John E. Obier, Jr., North Haven (Deceased)

Gary M. Parker, Derby

Charles Perrotti, North Canaan

Kenneth W. Richards, Jr., Olde Mystic


Event: CSFA Eighth Annual Hall of Fame Dinner

When: Thursday, April 7th, 2016, 6-7 pm Open Bar, 7pm Dinner

Where: The Aqua Turf Club, 556 Mulberry Street, Plantsville, CT

Price: $40 per person

Tickets are available at door or call:

CSFA Office (860) 423-5799, William Coffey(203) 746-1424 or Bob Guthrie (203) 934-7565

CSFA Hall of Fame Award Details and Requirements

Purpose: To recognize a present or former member(s) of an organized Fire Department who has served both his or her department and state association(s) above and beyond normal expectations over an extended period of time. They shall have demonstrated leadership and have shown themselves to be a motivating force for the betterment of the Fire Service throughout Connecticut and the United States. These persons shall have contributed in a positive way to the enrichment of the Fire Service organizations they represented. Recipients’ names will be placed in a location of prominence as a remembrance of their efforts which have benefited and improved the Fire Service of the state.

Eligibility: Any Firefighter who has served in a Fire Department and who has contributed to the betterment of the Fire Service on a local state or national level.

Nomination: Only one nomination shall be submitted annually and must be a recognized member of a fire department or a recognized fire service organization in the state of Connecticut the nomination shall include positions, deeds, accomplishments and awards of distinction. Review of nominations will be made by the CSFA awards committee. Awards as a result of brave actions will be given under a separate format administered by CSFA.

Applications: To be completed on CSFA application forms and received by the CSFA Awards Committee no later than July 1st. Persons nominated by a Fire Department shall be on CSFA applications and signed or countersigned by the active Chief of Department as well as the submitter. Those nominated by a state association shall be signed by the current president. All applications will be kept on file and reviewed in subsequent years.

Awards: To be made annually at the Hall of Fame awards dinner. A pin and plaque of accomplishment will be awarded to each recipient or their family in case of posthumous award. The number of awards to be presented each year will be recommended by the Hall of Fame Committee to the Executive Committee of CSFA at the February meeting.

CSFA Online 2016


CSFA makes Firefighters’ Hazardous Exposure Report available for download.

CSFA Logo 2015Firefighters’ Hazardous Exposure Report

As Firefighters face more and more potentially toxic contaminants on the job, it is increasingly important to document each exposure.

Fire Departments here in Connecticut should complete a Firefighters’ Hazardous Exposure Report. (click link for download)

We know that some Departments already use this form, but many more need to begin to document the hazardous exposure that both Volunteer and Career Firefighters routinely encounter.

Using the Firefighter Hazardous Exposure Report helps to track who was exposed, when they were exposed and to what hazards a Firefighter was exposed while working. The form needs to be signed by either Captain or Lieutenant and Fire Chief.

If your Fire Department is not using Firefighters’ Hazardous Exposure Reports, now is the time to start.

Click the link above to download the complete Connecticut State Firefighters Association Hazardous Exposure Report.












CSFA Online 2015

CSFA Firefighters can apply for the 2015-2016 Andrew J. Flanagan Scholarship now

CSFA Logo 2015The Andrew J. Flanagan Memorial Scholarship

The Andrew J. Flanagan Memorial Scholarship program was established in 1974 by the Connecticut State Firefighters Association, the Connecticut Fire Chiefs Association, the Connecticut Fire Marshals Association, and the Connecticut Fire Department Instructors Association, to honor the memory of Andrew J. Flanagan.

About Andrew J. Flanagan

Andy Flanagan was for many years the Training Officer for the New Haven Fire Department, as well as the Treasurer of the Connecticut State Firemen’s Association. Following his retirement from the department as a Battalion Chief, he was appointed the first full-time Director of Fire Training for the State of Connecticut. He held this position until his death in 1972.
Andy was a strong proponent of continuing education for firefighters and was instrumental in establishing the Connecticut Technical College Fire Technology Associate Degree Program. These Scholarship awards are granted in an effort to carry on with his vision.

Several Scholarships will be awarded.

Click this link to download the 2015-2016 Andrew J. Flanagan Memorial Scholarship Application

Please Support the Rev. Edward Goetz Family GoFundMe Page

CSFA Logo 2015Please Support the Rev. Edward Goetz Family GoFundMe Page

Firefighters and friends of the Connecticut Fire Service and EMS communities:

Many of you know our chaplain, the Reverend Edward Goetz and his wife Cathleen Goetz. These esteemed, dedicated and respected Firefighters have helped countless CSFA members and their families over the years. Ed and Cathy are both instructors with the State of Connecticut Fire Academy and the two have provided assistance at critical incidents; Ed is also the Chaplain for several fire departments in the state.

Our Faithful CSFA Chaplain and his Wife (Both Firefighters)  Need Our Help

2015-11-16_1124Now, Ed and Cathy Goetz need our help.

Doctors have diagnosed Ed with pancreatic cancer and he has been hospitalized at the Smilow Cancer Center at Yale New Haven Hospital since Labor Day. Cathy has been unable to work during the past several weeks because of the long commute she makes daily from their home to the hospital in New Haven.2015-11-16_1126
Despite the fact that Ed’s prognosis is not good, he continues to fight bravely each day and Cathy is by his side.




The Connecticut State Firefighters Association asks members and friends of the Goetz family to consider making a donation to the GoFundMe account that has been set up to assist Ed and Cathy through this difficult time. We thank you in advance for your support and prayers.


CSFA Onine 2015

CSFA Accepting 2016 Hall of Fame Nominations Until Nov. 1

CSFA Logo 2015Make your 2016 CT Firefighter Hall of Fame Nominations now!

Download the CSFA Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Save the Date: Wednesday April 6, 2016 – CSFA Eighth Annual Hall of Fame Dinner

When: Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

Where: The Aqua Turf Club, 556 Mulberry Street, Plantsville, CT



CSFA 2015 Hall of Fame Inductees

CSFA 2015 Hall of Fame Honerees

CSFA Hall of Fame Award Details and Requirements

Purpose: To recognize a present or former member(s) of an organized Fire Department who has served both his or her department and state association(s) above and beyond normal expectations over an extended period of time. They shall have demonstrated leadership and have shown themselves to be a motivating force for the betterment of the Fire Service throughout Connecticut and the United States. These persons shall have contributed in a positive way to the enrichment of the Fire Service organizations they represented. Recipients’ names will be placed in alocation of prominence as a remembrance of their efforts which have benefited and improved the Fire Service of the state.

Eligibility: Any Firefighter who has served in a Fire Department and who has contributed to the betterment of the Fire Service on a local state or national level.

Nomination: Only one nomination shall be submitted annually and must be a recognized member of a fire department or a recognized fire service organization in the state of Connecticut the nomination shall include positions, deeds, accomplishments and awards of distinction. Review of nominations will be made by the CSFA awards committee. Awards as a result of brave actions will be given under a separate format administered by CSFA.

Applications: To be completed on CSFA application forms and received by the CSFA Awards Committee no later than July 1st. Persons nominated by a Fire Department shall be on CSFA applications and signed or countersigned by the active Chief of Department as well as the submitter. Those nominated by a state association shall be signed by the current president. All applications will be kept on file and reviewed in subsequent years.

Awards: To be made annually at the Hall of Fame awards dinner. A pin and plaque of accomplishment will be awarded to each recipient or their family in case of posthumous award. The number of awards to be presented each year will be recommended by the Hall of Fame Committee to the Executive Committee of CSFA at the February meeting.

CSFA Online 2015

CT Firefighter Memorial Service this weekend – Sunday Sept. 27th in Windsor Locks

CSFA Logo 2015

Memorial Service for CT Firefighters at Fire Academy,  Sunday Sept. 27th 12:30pm

The 13th Annual Firefighters Memorial Service will be held Sunday, September 27th, 2015 at the Connecticut Fire Academy in Windsor Locks. The service will begin at 12:30pm. Connecticut Firefighters, families and friends statewide are urged to attend as the following Firefighters will be honored:

Edward C. Bastien – Baltic Fire Department (died July 15, 2015)

Kevin L. Bell – Hartford Fire Department (died October 7, 2014)

Francis E. Dwyer – Enfield Fire Department (died December 6, 1973)

Frederick H. Letsch, Jr. – Fairfield Fire Department (died November 7, 1981)


“Come honor Connecticut Firefighters; past or present”

CSFA Online 2015







CT Firefighter Convention Weekend 2015 a Big Success

CSFA Thanks Beacon Falls for Hosting a great Firefighter Convention Weekend!

CSFA Firefighter Convention Weekend 2015

CSFA 2015 Convention Weekend Parade

The Connecticut State Firefighters Association would like to thank Beacon Falls and everyone in the Upper Naugatuck River Valley who worked so hard to make our 132nd Annual Convention such a wonderful success. Hundreds joined together as families and friends of the Fire Service from across the state attended events throughout the weekend and showed their support for Connecticut’s Bravest.

The weather could not have been better for our Annual CSFA Firefighter Parade – dozens of entries rolled and marched proudly before the reviewing stand set up on Route 42 in Beacon Falls early Sunday afternoon.


CSFA 2015 Convention Parade


Hundreds Turn out for the 2015 CT Firefighter Parade

Companies from both Career and Volunteer Departments marched for families and children who stood in awe of their Firefighter heroes. To see more pictures from the 2015 parade, please visit our Facebook page and give CSFA a “like” and a “share”. Again, the CSFA board members would like to thank everyone who made our event something that made us proud.




See more CT Firefighter Parade 2015 Pictures from Beacon Falls on our Facebook Page!!!



CSFA Online 2015



CSFA Legislative Update – August 21, 2015 from Ted Schroll, Jr.

CSFA Logo 2015All,
With the adjournment of the regular session and the special session of the 2015 CT General Assembly, this report will be the last listing we will be reporting for this legislative year.  I believe that I have been able to discover all items pertinent to the Fire Service for this year.  There are a few items that should be brought to your attention.
House Bill #6987 and Senate Bill #999 both provided for some co-operative efforts between the Fire Service and the Dept. of Public Health / EMS communities.
  • In H.B. #6987, Section 9 adds all levels of EMS providers as mandatory reporters of elderly abuse.  Section 51 of the same bill addresses updates to infectious disease reporting procedures.  Thanks should go to Mary-Ellen Harper of the Farmington F. D. for her efforts in this endeavor.
  • S. B. #999 makes various changes to EMS statutes.  The bill includes language that establishes a hierarchy for determining EMS provider responsibility.  It also specifies that the provisions of the bill do not limit the authority of a fire officer to control and direct emergency activities at an incident scene.  Thanks should go to Chief John Oates of the East Hartford F. D. for his assistance in ensuring that proper statutory language was inserted.
Fiscally, in the state budget bill H.B. #7061, we were able to obtain restoration of approximately 70% of the operating funding for the Regional Fire Training Schools.  This funding had been zeroed out in the Governor’s original proposal.  Also, in S.B. #1501, in the special session, we were able to obtain an additional $10 Mil toward the Regional Fire Training School Capital Improvement Project.
In S.B. #1502, named the budget implementer bill, there were a few section that pertain to the Fire Service.  Section 57 requires that when a landlord rents a dwelling unit, they must include a notice in the rental agreement as to the existence or non-existence of an operating sprinkler system.  Section 166 requires that the Commissioner of DESPP, along with the Commissioners of DOT & DEEP, shall develop and implement an enhanced accident response plan.  Section 215 & 216 includes re-writes of the flashing light and colored light statutes CGS 14-96p & 14-96q.
As a point of information, the cancer benefit for firefighters and the PTSD benefit for police officers did not pass.  Also, the bill that would have required all PSAPs in municipalities with populations below 40K to consolidate, did not pass.
If there are any questions on any of the bills on our listing, you can email me at the address on the bottom of this message.  I will then attempt to answer your question or refer you to an answer.
Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association
703 Ridge Road
Wethersfield, CT 06109-2634
Primary Email  thschroll@snet.net
CSFA Online 2015

CSFA Legislative Update – May 19, 2015 from Ted Schroll, Jr.

CSFA Logo 2015

An Update for CT Firefighters from the CSFA Lobbyist at the State Capitol:

As the end nears, there is more activity.  I have pared down the listing this week to remove all of the bills that have died.  We continue to work on passage of H.B. #5871 the Cancer bill & H.B. #6776 the Just Cause bill.  The Connecticut Council of Municipalities (CCM) and the Council of Small Towns (COST) continue to vehemently oppose both of these issues.  We did meet with representatives of both of these agencies at the request of the Speaker.  I’m not certain that we made any headway in either direction.  They kind of told us that they were very busy and had other things to work on.  But we have now done as the Speaker requested and will attempt to move forward.  The UPFFA are leading the efforts on the cancer bill and we are supporting them.  We are working the Just Cause Bill.
Activity this week include:
H.B. #6792 & H.B. #6864 passed the House and moved to the Senate.
S.B. #631, #975, & #999 passed the Senate and moved to the House.
S.B. #800 & #808 were moved out of the Appropriations committee and back onto the calendar.
Email with any questions.
Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association
703 Ridge Road
Wethersfield, CT 06109-2634
FAX 860 529-7106
CELL 860 402-3865
Primary Email  thschroll@snet.net
Secondary thschroll78@gmail.com
CSFA Online 2015

A Note to CT Firefighters about “Just Cause” Legislation from the CSFA lobbyist at the State Capitol

CSFA Logo 2015A Note for CT Firefighters about “Just Cause” Legislation

Subject: Just Cause Legislation
Reply-To: T SCHROLL <thschroll@snet.net>
A little over a week ago, I asked specific Fire Chief officers to contact their local legislators to pass H. B. #6776, AN ACT CONCERNING JUST CAUSE DISMISSALS FOR MUNICIPAL FIRE CHIEFS out of the Planning & Development committee.  All I asked, did so, and we were successful.
Now I am back again.  You are the constituents for your elected officials.  You are the ones they work for.  You are the ones who provide for our success at the General Assembly.  I am fortunate to be the vehicle you use, but the legislators react to you.  The above mentioned bill is now on the House Calendar.  I have been informed that sometime within the next 3-4 days, this bill will be brought forth for passage.
For all you fire chiefs, used to be chiefs, wanna’ be chiefs, and any others who have an interest, I am asking once again for your assistance.  If you are able to support this issue, please contact your local legislators and ask them to vote YES on House Bill #6776.  This bill has to pass the House and then the Senate within a relatively few days (less than 3 weeks left).  So here’s what I am suggesting.  Everyone has a local Representative and a local Senator.  They don’t see each others mail.  If you put together one email and change the names, you can send the same email to both.  Simple.  They will never know the difference.
It does work.  When we/you did this for the Planning & Development committee, at least three legislators told me they voted our way because they were contacted by their local Fire Chief.  And at least 2 of the 3 would have been NO votes.  As I have stated on past issues, your email (yes an email, not a letter) need not be overly involved.  Just ask them to support passage of House Bill #6776.
I realized that I have not explained the bill.  For those not aware, a municipality must have a good reason (JUST CAUSE) to dismiss a Police Chief.  The same is NOT true to dismiss a Fire Chief.  You only need to be “given notice in writing of the specific grounds for such dismissal and an opportunity”…..for a hearing.  This legislation will provide that higher level of employment protection for you as a Fire Chief.  That is the simple explanation.  Some municipal authorities are opposed to this bill.  CCM is opposing it.  Some would like to REMOVE this protection for even the Police Chiefs.
Please support this legislation if you can.  It is important that this be accomplished within the next few days.  Once again, those who are able, please use any and all email trees you may control to make contact with as many of our peers as possible.  You may not be a Chief Officer now, but if you aspire to move in that direction, you could be protecting your future employment or position.
Ted Schroll Jr., Legislative Representative
Connecticut State Firefighters Association
703 Ridge Road
Wethersfield, CT 06109-2634
FAX 860 529-7106
CELL 860 402-3865
Primary Email  thschroll@snet.net
Secondary thschroll78@gmail.com

CSFA Online 2015